Returns Or Exchange Policy

We Accept Returns Or Exchange Items Without Any Hesitation But With Some Conditions

  1. If you received any damaged item you should inform us at our email id or WhatsApp within 24 hours
  2. Please don’t open the original item’s box, the company’s original box must be in the same and good condition for resaleable.
  3. Customer(s) must send damaged item’s pictures or short videos at our email ID or WhatsApp.
  4. After investigation customer will send the item back to us at our given address, Once we received the damaged item, we will dispatch the new item to the customer within 7 working days without shipping charges.
  5. If we don’t have that item in stock (item finished) then we will pay the customer’s payment direct into the bank account within 7 working days
  6. When the customer returns the item to us, the customer will beared all the shipping charges

Which Items Will Not Be Take Return Or Exchange?

  1. On sales products or items
  2. Assembling related items will not be returned or exchanged
  3. Cosmetic products or items
  4. Perfumes, body spray, room spray or freshener
  5. All birthday items (Balloons, Candles, Caps, Snow spray, Colored smoke etc)

Assembled Items

  1. We will dispatch items without assembling, the customer will assemble the item(s)
  2. All assembling charges customer will beared
  3. Arrange the mechanic or skilled person – this is totally the customer’s responsibility.
  4. If during assembling anything damaged or missed or anything happened, we will not responsible.